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Want to eliminate your anxiety, prevent panic attacks, and feel more present in your life... without endless appointments or unnecessary medications? 

 Anxiety Proof is the holistic health program that will help you reclaim your life from anxiety in just 8 weeks.


Does this sound like you?

  • No matter how hard you try, you can't stop racing/negative thoughts

  • You are having anxiety/panic attacks and you aren't sure why

  • Anxiety is messing with your digestion

  • You're waking up at 2-3 am in the middle of the night and finding it hard to fall back asleep

  • You believe there is a way to heal your anxiety without medication but you aren't sure how to do it

  • The same things that you used to love, like traveling and parties, are now scary because of anxiety

It doesn't have to be this way!

Imagine if...

... you lived every day without brain fog or racing thoughts

... you were in control of your thoughts 

... you could find inner peace no matter where you were

... you fell asleep with ease every night, and stayed asleep throughout the night  

... you never had to worry about having another panic attack

... you could say yes to plans with friends and family without overthinking and all those "what ifs..."

... you could travel the world and enjoy an adventurous life, free from worry and fear about what could go wrong

... you felt at peace in your body, with healthy digestion, great energy, and easily maintaining your body's healthy weight

This is your life without anxiety!

All of this is possible for you! 

The Anxiety Proof™ Program is your roadmap to achieve all of this, and more. It's time to invest in your health and your future, and get the help you need to eliminate your anxiety!


Watch success stories from some of our Anxiety Proof Superheroes!


Here's how Shawn went from panic attacks to power!


Here's how Shaina started new daily routines that transformed her anxiety and her life:


Listen to Jen share how she went from dismissing her anxiety to learning how to reverse it 

"This is step by step guidance on what to do" 


5 Steps to Eliminate Your Anxiety (for Good!)











What's inside of Anxiety Proof?

This transformative group program runs for 8 weeks and will give you a step by step guide to reversing your anxiety. 

Module 1: Mindset and Anxiety

The way we think about our anxiety can actually directly make it better or worse. Learn actionable tools from the fields of psychology, mindfulness, biofeedback, and hypnotherapy to change the way your brain and body perceive the world. 

Module 2: Assessing Anxiety

The first step in ridding yourself of anxiety is understanding what factors in your life might be contributing. This will be a deep dive on relevant labs and lifestyle factors to consider with your healthcare providers. 

Module 3: Goal Setting and Daily Routines

The most comprehensive program won't help you to live an anxiety-free life if the recommendations cannot be put into action. We'll help you set yourself up for success. 

Module 4: Nutrition, Digestion and Anxiety

Food can nourish us, or make us sick. When it comes to anxiety, much of our suffering can be addressed through changing what we put into our bodies and by healing our relationship with food. 

Module 5: Anxiety-Relieving Nutrients and Botanicals

Nature has provided us with a tremendously powerful toolkit to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Learn what does and does not work, based on clinical experience and scientific evidence.

Module 6: Social Support and Community

The people and places we engage with on a daily basis can either contribute to or reduce our likelihood of feeling anxious. Learn the latest scientific evidence on the role of community and environment in increased or decreasing anxiety levels. 

Module 7: Sleep As Medicine

Sleep: the ultimate reset switch. If we aren't getting enough quality sleep, our bodies are much more likely to suffer from anxiety. Similarly, if we're anxious it becomes hard to get restful sleep. Learn to address both. 

Module 8: Movement As Medicine

Our bodies are made to move. Learn about the power of physical activity to reduce anxiety and improve mood. 

Meet Your Guides

Hi, I'm Michelle!

I am most well known for helping high performers heal from chronic stress so they can balance their mood and eliminate their anxiety symptoms while experiencing a deeper connection with themselves and with life.

As a Registered Dietitian, I've successfully supported hundreds of clients on their path to a life without anxiety. 

With my colleague and friend Dr. Kachko, ND, LAc, we created this program to help people like you who have endlessly tried to fight their anxiety using modern methods finally find the lasting results they deserve. We believe everyone deserves to be anxiety free.

Let's eliminate your anxiety, together!

- Michelle Shapiro, RD

Hi, I'm Dr. Robert Kachko.

I'm a Naturopathic Physician, licensed Acupuncturist, and leading expert in chronic pain, mental health, and lifestyle medicine.

I co-created this program for my patients who were struggling with anxiety and needed fast relief without unwanted medical interventions.

It worked so well that I knew I had to share it with the world!

And now I'm thrilled to support those of you struggling with anxiety, racing thoughts, or an inability to cope with life's stressors, get back to the life free from anxiety that you deserve.

- Dr. Kachko

šŸŽ‰ Real Life Wins From Our Clients!

Shawn D. 

"Once I fully understood what anxiety was and how it manifests in my body, my eyes were opened. I have always been very in tune with my body but I realize that the things I used to do in the name of self care were nice, but were simply the equivalent of window dressing.

I have now begun to implement changes into my daily routine to check in with myself and adjust my self care as needed. The program has armed me with tools that have already resulted in great improvements in my sleep and well being."

Daniela D.

"Michelle and Anxiety Proof helped my sleep, my mental health, she helped me get off prescription medication and take supplements that were more natural and comfortable with my body.

She has taught me so much about food, life and the way that I treat myself and my inner thoughts - and to always be kind and not too hard on myself. She also reminds me to take breaks and go easy on myself when I need it most."

Jessica L.

"We have worked on my anxiety, confidence, and relationship with food and all of these have improved with her help and guidance.

I am a better version of myself because of Michelle. I have said to her many times that I don’t know what I would do without her in my life. She has helped me get through several difficult situations and I have been able to handle so many things differently because of her. We have worked on my anxiety, confidence, and relationship with food and all of these have improved with her help and guidance."

You ARE a good fit for this program if…

  • If you are a highly motivated person who seems to have it all together on the outside but still struggle with anxiety and stress on the inside

  • If you’re ready to have the BEST sleep of your life without waking up at 2 am in the middle of the night 

  • You're serious about curing your anxiety and will do whatever it takes to get it under control

  • If you’re done with racing thoughts and difficulty concentrating from this perpetuating anxious feeling

  • If you’re fed up with your panic attacks, and feeling like you're “out of commission”

  • If you're tired of letting anxiety take control of your life and you're finally ready to enjoy socializing, vacation and your life again

  • You believe there is a way to heal your anxiety without medication but you aren't sure how to do it


You’re NOT a good fit if…

  • You don't believe you can take steps to help yourself
  • You believe the only way to treat anxiety is through medication
  • You don't want to cure your anxiety as much as we do!
  • You are a risk to yourself or others

My transformational promise to you...

When you join Anxiety Proof, you’ll discover the exact blueprint and step-by-step guide to reversing and eliminating your anxiety... without unnecessary medications or endless appointments! 


Program Options


Only $99 Per Month

For 4 months

  • 8 week self-paced online program with lifetime access to the program portal 
  • Emails, handouts and assessments to keep you on track and making progress in your anxiety-proof journey 
  • Online access for you to ask Michelle and Dr. Kachko questions and get answers

Anxiety Proof Self-Guided Program

$197 Per Month

For 2 Months

  • 8 week self-paced online program with lifetime access to the program portal 
  • Emails, handouts and assessments to keep you on track and making progress in your anxiety-proof journey 
  • Online access to ask Michelle and Dr. Kachko questions and get answers

Monthly Installment

$997 per month

for 4 months

  • 12 Weekly group coaching calls covering the Attract-Convert-Serve method
  • 6 Biweekly Office Hours with Laura
  • 9+ Guest Expert Interviews
  • Private Facebook group
  • Lifetime access to program


Get The Tools and Support You Need To Reverse Your Anxiety For Good

Reserve your spot for the program today!